Creative services

Lexus - script / concept


A Lexus TX full of clowns is silently driving down the road. A far cry from a clown car, it’s overwhelmingly apparent from the mimes’ body language that nobody’s sure how to feel about all this space and comfort.

SFX: Awkward silence. From the back we hear the squeaks of a balloon animal being fashioned. 

Finally one clown breaks the silence. His voice is very deadpan, dry and normal sounding. Not crownlike at all.

CLOWN ONE:  Okay, I can’t. Someone has to say something. With all due respect, what is with the car? Look at all the legroom. Even Blinky! HIS shoes FIT?

We see a clown with especially long shoes in the third row. So much toe space.

We ALL have way too much personal space. 

He waves his arms around with disgust to show the embarrassment of space. 


He points to a peacfully napping clown.

The brakes…. Work. So there goes that bit. 

The horn! The horn just sounds like a horn! 

It’s SOoo easy to get in and out of the back. Not a hitch.

We’re not supposed to even fit in here.. let alone feel comfortable.

He looks around. One clown is still fast asleep. Another one is looking out the window longingly at a tiny car but reaches over languidly to his cup holder and sips his soda with a guilty expression.


ENDLINE: The thoughtfully designed Lexus TX takes your personal comfort very seriously.

LOGO: Lexus



Establishing shots around a house where two dogs have reigned for many years.  We see shots of their portraits on the walls, fancy dog beds, the two dogs  splayed all over the sofa. 

Cut to owner and dogs driving in the LEXUS TX. Flips the DIGITAL REAR VIEW to mirror mode. He looks over at his two dogs in the reflection both stretched out in the capacious third row.  

OWNER: <Clears throat> “I’m sure by now you sense some changes in the air… Chili, you remember when Cheeto arrived. It was an adjustment…but look at you now. Best friends.” 

Both dogs look increasingly concerned as he speaks.

While he’s talking we cut to shots of the two dogs watching some of the changes take place. A nursery being painted while dogs watch from the hallway. Dog bed replaced by a baby bouncer. They look on as a crib is being assembled. The dog biscuits cupboard is emptied  to make room for jars of baby food.  Then we cut back to the cabin of the TX.

OWNER: Thing is, you’ll adapt. We’ll be fine! <to himself>We’ll all be fine…

The dogs trade glances of growing concern. The tension of anticipation is mounting.
We zoom in on their faces for a dramatic effect. The music becomes intense.

Cut to one month later: Overhead shot looking down through the PANORAMIC MOONROOF. We move through the glass. The larger “family” in spacious coexistence. Two dogs lay comfortably in the capacious third row. A set of TWIN BABIES in the second row CAPTAIN’S SEATS.

Mozart for Babies” plays on the 14-inch LEXUS INTERFACE.

VO: There comes a day in everyone’s life when you realize…

 you’re no longer the center of the universe.

Fortunately, in the Lexus TX, you feel like the center of the universe, from any seat. 

LOGO: Lexus



Open on dad’s face in a dark attic like space. Cut to a shot of the lower half of his body. We reveal that he’s on a home treadmill and has removed one of the ceiling panels to make room for his head. He’s a tall man.

He pulls his head out of the ceiling. Jump cut to a shot of his head swooping easily into his TX. He’s off to pick up his kids. 

His daughter is standing alone in a school hallway. Zoom out to reveal she’s isn’t alone, she’s in line with her much shorter peers for school photos. She moves in front of the backdrop and assumes her usual awkward leg crumple in order to fit into the frame.  Girl walks outside. We see the LEXUS TX, a luxurious oasis for our tall family to decompress. 

She bolts toward the car. A tree branch grazes her head leaving a leaf sticking out of it. She plunks down in the third row. Finally, a thoughtful space where her long limbs fit just right.  

We cut to the son who is saying goodbye to friends by a stadium. The dad pulls up in his Lexus. His son, outside the car,  bends at the waist to give awkward hug to much shorter girl. He pivots and gets in the TX. 

VO: Sometimes if feels like there’s more room inside the LEXUS TX than outside the LEXUS TX.

Before driving off he turns to look back out the window, only to realize he’d never seen this girl at eye level before and they’re both love-struck. The perspective seemed to makes all the difference.

VO: Being understood is an amazing feeling. Experience the world as if it was made just for you.

LOGO: Lexus